Trade and Production in Upper Egypt. A Ceramic Production Centre in the Aswan Region and its Distribution


  • Laura Rembart
  • Lisa Betina
  • Denise Katzjäger


In the region of Syene and Elephantine, modern Aswan/Upper Egypt a huge ceramic production emerged in the 2nd century BCE. The vessels of the so-called Aswan Pink Clay were exported all over Egypt from the early Imperial period onwards. At least for late antiquity, an export beyond the borders is proven. Since, so far, no archaeological evidence for larger workshops in the vicinity of Aswan does exist, the question of a pottery production centre must remain open. The Aswan Pink Clay visually appearing in a pinkish colour and being associated to kaolinite was probably mined at many different extraction sites. To characterise the local clay deposits, a geological survey was conducted in the region of Aswan. The aim of these investigations was to determine the different clay deposits with the help of geological samples and to draw possible conclusions about the origin and homogeneity or heterogeneity of the various clay pastes.
Despite this massive local ceramic production, imports found their way to Aswan. Especially in the early Imperial period vessels of common wares were imported to ancient Syene.


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How to Cite

Rembart, L., Betina, L., & Katzjäger, D. (2022). Trade and Production in Upper Egypt. A Ceramic Production Centre in the Aswan Region and its Distribution. Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta, 46, 585–590. Retrieved from