About the Journal
About the Acta
The Society's journal has been published, generally at two-year intervals, since 1958. The papers included have mostly (but not exclusively) been those presented at the corresponding congresses. It has grown from 37 pages in A5 format for the first volume, to 619 pages of A4 size in 2020; its scope includes all types of ceramic material (excluding building material) attributable to the Roman period or immediately before, and all parts of the world where Roman pottery has been found. It thus constitutes an important resource for this field of study.
For author guidelines and details of how to submit a paper, see the associated page Submissions. Accepted languages are English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Papers are peer-reviewed prior to acceptance.
The journal is now published simultaneously in print and in digital form. Earlier volumes are also in the process of being digitized.
About Fautores
The RCRF is an international learned society specialising in the field of Roman pottery. Its main aim is to establish contact between scholars of different countries and the field of interest is interpreted in its widest sense. The Society was jointly founded in 1957 by Howard Comfort (1904-1993) and Elisabeth Ettlinger (1915-2012), and now has over two hundred and fifty individual members in some twenty-five different countries. Libraries and institutions may also become affiliated members, and there are currently nearly one hundred of these who receive our publications and notice of our activities. Congresses are held every two years, in different countries and at the invitation of members who offer to host them. It is not, however, necessary to become a member of the RCRF in order to participate. Papers are generally presented in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish and may be published (subject to peer review) in the Acta.