Vol. 46 (2020): Acta 46: Congressus Tricesimvs Primvs Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Napocæ Habitvs MMXVIII

					View Vol. 46 (2020): Acta 46: Congressus Tricesimvs Primvs Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Napocæ Habitvs MMXVIII

Acta 46 comprises 64 articles. Out of the 120 scheduled lectures and posters presented at the 31st Congress of the Rei Cretariæ Romanæ Favtores, 61 are included in the present volume, to which three further were added. Given the location of the conference in Romania it seems natural that the number of articles related to the Balkans and Danube region is the largest (with 20 articles), followed by contributions concerning Italy (15), and the Iberian Peninsula (13). The 'rest of the world' is split between the Roman provinces in the East (eight papers), in North-Africa (six), and in central and western Europe (two).

Published: 31/12/2020

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