How Ebla has Changed our Perception of the Ancient Near East in the Third Millennium BC


  • Alfonso Archi


Ebla, Karkamish, Uruk, material culture


The emergence in the fourth millennium BC of the first urbanised, literate society in southern Mesopotamia coincided with the widespread distribution of the so-called ‘Uruk’ material culture along the middle Euphrates, with major settlements in Habuba Kabira North and South, the religious centre at Jebel Aruda, Tell el-Hajj, Mureybet and Sheikh Hassan. Another enclave of sites proving the Uruk presence is the region around Karkamish, on the present-day Syrian-Turkish border. Uruk-inspired pottery appears even at Arslantepe (Malatya), in period VI (Late Chalcolitic 5) (Frangipane 2010: 36).


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How to Cite

Archi, A. (2017). How Ebla has Changed our Perception of the Ancient Near East in the Third Millennium BC. Ash-Sharq: Bulletin of the Ancient Near East – Archaeological, Historical and Societal Studies, 1(2), 187–193. Retrieved from


