Manuscript Preparation

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1) Spelling:

We accept both British and American English. If you are not a native speaker, please have your paper corrected by one before submission.

2) Paragraphs and Headings:

Paragraphs should be left-aligned and un-indented. All headings should be typed on a separate line, not run in with the text. There should be no additional spacing before or after lines.

Headings should be in bold type. Subheads should be avoided whenever possible, if not set them in bold and italics.


Notes should be formatted as footnotes rather than endnotes and numbered in one series. Notes are referred to in the text with a superscript number.

4) Numerals:

  • Use words for one to nine except where this produces inconsistency within a sentence or short passage; in this case, use numbers throughout.
  • Commas should be used in thousands only from 10,000 (e.g. 3500; 23,840).
  • Spell out ‘percent’, reserving ‘%’ for lists and tables.
  • For measurements, use metric.

5) Dates:

  • 1 May 1988 (no comma)
  • the nineteenth century (noun); nineteenth-century (adj.)
  • the 1960s
  • CE and BCE in small capitals; CE to precede and BCE to follow the date separated by a space, e.g. CE 1066, 4004 BCE.
  • radiocarbon-date format is e.g. 36,470±250 bp or 41,089–41,978 cal. BP (OxA-15164)

6) Quotations:

Short quotations are indicated by double inverted commas. Use “ and ”, not ' or ". Punctuation follows closing inverted comma, except exclamation mark and question mark belonging to the quotation, or a full stop if the quotation is or ends with a grammatically complete sentence beginning with a capital. Bibliographical reference to the quotation follows the final punctuation if that punctuation belongs to the quote. The reference precedes the final punctuation mark if the mark does not belong to the quotation according to the above criteria, e.g.:

“... Yet there is a sufficient diversity to rule out any simple, strongly deterministic causality.” (Trigger 1989a: 402)

but “... there is a sufficient diversity to rule out any causality” (Trigger 1989a: 402).

Long quotations are apart in smaller (font 11) italicized type, with quotation marks. Quotations within long quotations are indicated by single inverted commas, e.g.:

e.g.: As effectively stated by dr. Jeanne Garbarino, director of the Science Outreach at Rockefeller University:

Science crowdfunding is a potential feedback mechanism to help scientists target interested parties to fund their research, allowing for greater transparency and accountability. People have been saying that science is inaccessible, that scientists are locked up in their ivory towers and we do not know how our tax dollars being used. Crowdfunding could be a mechanism to help improve that system, which can lead to both increased publicity and financial contributions.” (Gambarino 2013: 3–4).

It is exactly towards this direction that we embarked on this project. The 30th of November 2015 we launched a crowdfunding campaign...

7) Capitalization:

Most period designations are lowercased: late antiquity, ancient Greece, imperial Rome. Cultural periods recognized by archaeologists based on characteristic technology or typology are capitalized: Iron Age, Orientalizing period, Late Antique period. The terms “classical” and “archaic” are capitalized only when used with “period” (e.g., Classical period) or with a specific division of a cultural period (e.g., Late Classical literature) or when the meaning can be misconstrued: Late Archaic art, Early Classical polis, classical vase painting, archaic Greek pottery.

The names of specific buildings, monuments, parts of sites, and artifact collections/groups are capitalized. The generic form is lowercased: the East Gymnasium/the gymnasium; the Athenian Agora/ the agora; Roman Forum/the forum; Treasury of Athens/Athenian treasury

8) Foreign Terms and Phrases:

Isolated words in a foreign language that are likely to be unfamiliar to readers should be italicized throughout the text. Familiar words and phrases in a foreign language should be set in roman type unless there is a risk of confusion with an identically spelled English word (e.g. Terminus post quem; deja vu; in situ; in primis).

Illustrations should be submitted in publishable form with clear labelling in English. We do not distinguish between Figures and Plates. All illustrations are Figures and should be numbered consecutively.

Line drawings:

All line drawings must be submitted in black and white for print. If desired, colour versions may also be submitted for the online publication. If submitted as scans, line drawings must be scanned at at least 600 dpi at the size they are to be published (although 1200 dpi is preferable). If line drawings are originally drawn electronically, they should be submitted in vector format (i.e. eps or ai format).


All half-tones will be printed in black and white. However, please note that all figures will be published online in their original colour; therefore, please submit colour images. They will be converted to black and white as needed during production. Scans of photographs should be in tiff format at 600 dpi at the size they are to be reproduced.


Tables should be numbered consecutively. A short caption should be placed above each table. Long tables are best presented on a maximum of one published page, which equates to 35–40 one-line rows in MS Word. Complex tables are best submitted as figures. In this case the caption should be placed below each table

Figure captions and references within text:

When referring to illustrations in the text the format is ‘Figure’ when it appears within a sentence and ‘Fig.’ when it is in round brackets: e.g. The Ebble-Nadder ridge as seen in Figure 1, forms the northern edge of Cranborne Chase (Fig. 2).

When referring to illustrations in another work use the same method as above except use a lower case ‘f’: e.g. The Ebble-Nadder ridge as seen in Daniel’s figure 1, forms the northern edge of Cranborne Chase (Daniel 1967, figs. 1&2).

Caption format is as follows: Figure 1. Map of site.

Crediting sourcing:

If figures are copied from another publication, acknowledgments must be made in the caption.

Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permission to reproduce copyrighted material. This should be obtained before submission.

The following conventional designations should be noted:

“after” = possible redrafting but no change in information

“modified from” = some change

“adapted from” = radical changes

If no change is made to the figure, authors should reference only the source. If the author holds rights to the figure, no credit is necessary.

EX NOVO uses the Harvard referencing system. Crossref DOIs should be included for chapters or articles, where applicable. Check your bibliography here to ensure all DOIs have been included. More information is available here.

In text:

Quotations in running text (Name Year: 00–00), e.g.: (Frankel 1991: 241) (Hamilakis 1996) (Lake: 259–260) (Smith 2002a: 30–35) (Smith 1990c).

Works with the same authorship published in the same year should be indicated by ‘a’, ‘b’, etc. and should follow the date without intervening space. Do not use Ibid., op. cit. or similar expressions.

At end:

References are grouped in author-alphabetical order at the end of the article. Authors names should be written in small caps. Titles English or in languages other than English should retain the capitalization of the original language. Page numbers should not be abbreviated.


  1. A) Journal Article

HAMILAKIS Y. 1996. Through the looking glass: nationalism, archaeology and the politics of identity. Antiquity 60: 975–978.

Quotation in running text: for the whole chapter (Hamilakis 1996), for single pages e.g. (Hamilakis 1991: 975) …

LAKE M.W. 2014. Trends in Archaeological Simulation. Journal of Archaeological Methods and Theory 21: 258-287.

MAROVIĆ I. 1991. Istraživanja kamenih gomila cetinske culture u srednjoj Dalmaciji. Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Historiju Dalmatinsku 84: 15–214.

  1. B) Chapter in Book

FRANKEL D. 1991. Ceramic variability: measurement and meaning, in: A. BARLOW, D. BOLGER & B. KLING (eds.), Cypriot Ceramics: Reading the Prehistoric Record. University Museum Monograph 74. Philadelphia (PA): University of Pennsylvania, University Museum: 241–252.

Quotation in running text: for the whole chapter (Frankel 1991), for single pages e.g. (Frankel 1991: 241–245) …

NOVAKOVIĆ, P., 2012. The “German School” and its influence on the national archaeologies of the Western Balkans, in: B. MIGOTTI, P. MASON, B. NADBATH & T. MUHL (eds.) SCRIPTA in honorem Bojan Djurić. Lubiana: Zavod za varstvo culture red. Slo.: 51–71.

Quotation in running text: e.g. for the whole chapter (Novaković 2012) for single pages e.g. (Novaković 2012: 56–57) …

  1. C) Book

–Single author/editor

SEIDLER V. J. 1994. Recovering the Self: Morality and Social Theory. London: Routledge.

Quotation in running text, e.g.: (Seidler 1994: 55–58).

–Two authors/editors

SCHORTMAN E.M. & URBAN P.A. (eds.), 1992. Resources, Power and Interregional Interaction. New York: Plenum Press.

Quotation in running text, e.g.: (Schortman & Urban 1992).

–More than two authors/editors

ATTEMA P. A. J., EUWE-BEAUFORT J. & GNADE M. (eds.), 1986. Nieuw licht op een oude stad: Italiaanse en Nederlandse opgravingen in Satricum, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden, 22 november 1985 - 22 februari 1986; Rijksmuseum G. M. Kam, Nijmegen, 7 maart 1986 - 5 mei 1986 2. Rome: Nederlands Inst. te Rome.

Quotation in running text, e.g.: (Attema et al.: 1986).

  1. D) Website

With reference to author
LAVAN L. & GERING A. 2009. Kent-Berlin Ostia Excavations. Accessed 12 Oct 2016.

Quotation in running text, e.g.: (Lavan & Gering 2009)

With no reference to author
Ha’ aretz 21 Feb 2010. Accessed 23 Feb 2010. List-1.266037.

Quotation in running text, e.g.: (Ha’aretz 21 Feb 2010)

Online Map
United States Geological Survey. 2006. 1 Arc Second scene SRTM_ffB03_p189r032, Filled Finished B. Map. Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. College Park, Md.: Global Land Cover Facility, University of Maryland.

Quotation in running text, e.g.: (United States Geological Survey 2006)