J. Whitley, Knossos. Myth, History and Archaeology.


  • Jan Driessen University of Cincinatti


This account of the history of Knossos forms part of a wider series of Archaeological Histories that discusses the history of sites, buildings and towns from their construction to the present day and it is in this context that Whitley’s pleasantly written – with a style somewhere between the academic and the personal – and instructive book should be approached. Knossos, or rather its studies, are very much alive. It not only forms the core of two other, recently published books on Minoan civilization,1 and even after the completion of this book in 2021, new studies have appeared on some of the Knossos remains, not included in this account (Oddo 2022; Knappett et al. 2023). 


Bintliff, J. 2012. The Complete Archaeology of Greece: From Hunter-Gatherers to the 20th Century AD. Wiley. Driessen, J. & Q. Letesson 2023. The Gathering: Collectivity and the Development of Bronze Age Cretan Society. Journal of Archaeological Research 32 (1): 1-58. Fantuzzi, T. 2023. Minoan eruption chronology: a synthesis for the non-initiated. Journal of Greek Archaeology 8: 69-103. Knappett, C., Macdonald, C.F. and I. Mathioudaki 2023. Knossos: From First to Second Palace. An integrated ceramic, stratigraphic and architectural study. British School of Athens Supplements. Vol. 52. Athens: The British School at Athens. Kourou, N. and A. Karetsou 1998. En enigmatic Stone from Knossos: A reused Cippus?, in Stampolidis, N.C., Karetsou , A. and Kanta, A. Eastern Mediterranean. Cyprus-Dodecanese-Crete 16th-6th cent. BC: 243-254. Heraklion: University of Crete. Lapatin, K. 2002. Mysteries of the Snake Goddess: Art, Desire, and the Forging of History. Boston & New York. Macdonald, C.F. 2005. Knossos. London: Folio Society. Macdonald, C.F. 2023. Old or new? Observations on the West Façade of the Palace of Minos, in Langohr, C. and Letesson, Q. (eds) Πολυμήχανος. Man of Many Ways. Papers in Honour of Professor Jan Driessen (Aegis 25): 91-100. Louvain-la-Neuve: Louvain University Press. Mosso, A. 1907. The Palaces of Crete and their Builders. London: T.F. Unwin. Oddo, E. (with contributions by V. Fotou) 2022. Knossos: The House of the Frescoes (British School at Athens Supplements Vol. 51). Athens: The British School at Athens. Stampolidis, N.C., Karetsou, A. and Kanta A. (eds) 1998. Eastern Mediterranean. Cyprus-Dodecanese- Crete 16th-6th cent. BC Heraklion: University of Crete.




How to Cite

Driessen , J. (2024). J. Whitley, Knossos. Myth, History and Archaeology . Journal of Greek Archaeology, 9, 517–520. Retrieved from https://archaeopresspublishing.com/ojs/index.php/JGA/article/view/2776


