J. Rasmus Brandt, Erika Hagelberg, Gro Bjørnstad and Sven Ahrens (eds), Life and Death in Asia Minor in Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Times: Studies in Archaeology and Bioarchaeology
Asia Minor, Hellenistic, Roman, ByzantineAbstract
In one of the most important works of historical scholarship of the last century, Peter Laslett gave a chilling sketch of The World We Have Lost. The book built on the recent advances in historical demography and family reconstitution to describe a preindustrial society where the Grim Reaper was omnipotent, with average life expectancies at birth of 20-35 years, high infant mortality, cruelly interrupted marriages, and many orphaned children. It was a fitting antidote to romantic views of a past where everything was somehow comfortably better. For the ancient world, such family reconstitutions were impossible for lack of suitable sources.
Laslett, P. 1965. The world we have lost. London: Methuen.
Hopkins, K. 1983. Death and Renewal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hopkins, K. 2018 [1966]. On the Probable Age Structure of the Roman Population, in C. Kelly (ed) Keith Hopkins, Sociological Studies in Roman History: 105-134. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jongman, W.M., J.P.A.M. Jacobs and G. Klein Goldewijk, 2019. ‘Health and Wealth in the Roman Empire. Economics & Human Biology 34, 138-150.