The Lost Hamlet of Alwarton: Excavations north of Haverhill, Suffolk


  • Rachel Clarke Oxford Archaeology
  • Steven Graham Oxford Archaeology
  • Nick Holder
  • Sue Anderson Spoilheap Archaeology
  • Rachel Fosberry Oxford Archaeology
  • Hayley Foster Oxford Archaeology
  • Simon Timberlake
  • Denis Sami Oxford Archaeology
  • Joshua C. White Oxford Archaeology
  • David Brown Oxford Archaeology
  • Séverine Bézie Oxford Archaeology


Alwarton, Suffolk, settlement, excavation, medieval


Excavations on the northern edge of Haverhill, Suffolk, revealed an extensive network of enclosures, buildings and tofts/crofts laid out either side of a lane; this is now one of the largest investigations of a rural medieval settlement carried out in the county. Documentary research has provided a name for this long-lost hamlet – ‘Alwarton’, later Alderton – and shown that it may have preceded the establishment of the nearby documented Alderton chapel by many decades, if not centuries.


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How to Cite

Clarke, R., Graham, S., Holder, N., Anderson, S., Fosberry, R., Foster, H., … Bézie, S. (2024). The Lost Hamlet of Alwarton: Excavations north of Haverhill, Suffolk. Medieval Settlement Research, 39, 48–67. Retrieved from




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