Over the Rainbow: An Introduction to Koinon VII, with Recourse to Iris


  • Nicholas J. Molinari


Each year, I start the journal with an ancient quote that uses the word κοινόν, and so far the Muses have not lead me astray. This year is no different: The quote from Aeschylus on the last page can be translated with something like, “fortune is common, but judgment belongs to those who possess it.” It is with that sentiment in mind, namely, that I have made the most of my good fortune but I’m (at least) wise enough to know when my time is up, that I announce I will be stepping down from my role as General Editor starting with the next volume. For those who have followed Koinon since its inception, we are now “over the rainbow,” both literally in the color of the journal and figuratively with my transition to the Editorial Board. It is a perfectly timed transition, and there isn’t a better symbol of good luck for our next editor than the very god of rainbows, Iris. The person I have selected is to take the reins, and who graciously accepted, is Dr. Rosanagh Mack, currently at the University of Reading as a researcher in the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology, who over the years has earned my trust, admiration, and, most importantly, friendship. I can think of no better person to lead us into the future, and so this issue is dedicated to her and her success as we move forward into a new generation. While Rosie is now free to steer the ship however she pleases, I am comforted to know that she too appreciates and encourages contributions to numismatics from a wide varied of perspectives: numismatics, to stay with the rainbow analogy, is like a prism, opening up a beautiful, multicolored world and, like Iris, connecting us with something transcendental (if we pay close enough attention, that is). 



How to Cite

Molinari , N. J. (2024). Over the Rainbow: An Introduction to Koinon VII, with Recourse to Iris . KOINON: The International Journal of Classical Numismatic Studies, 7, i-ii. Retrieved from https://archaeopresspublishing.com/ojs/index.php/koinon/article/view/2800



Preliminary Pages