About JHP

The Project 'JHP' and its Objectives

The Journal of Hellenistic Pottery and Material Culture JHP - was launched 2016 in Berlin, Germany, by Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom, Patricia Kögler and Wolf Rudolph - specialists working in the field of Hellenistic material culture.

JHP is an independent learned journal dedicated to the research of ceramics and objects of daily use of the Hellenistic period in the Mediterranean region and beyond. It aims at bringing together archaeologists, historians, philologists, numismatists and scholars of related disciplines engaged in the research of the Hellenistic heritage.

JHP wants to be a forum for discussion and circulation of information on the everyday culture of the Hellenistic period which to date is still a rather neglected field of study. To fill this academic void the editors strive for a speedy and non-bureaucratic publication and distribution of current research and recent discoveries combined with a high quality standard.

In order to achieve of these aims, the JHP appears as open access e-book, acquirable for every scholar and researcher in a straightforward manner. A simultaneous print-on-demand version complies with the requirements of libraries and guaranties the long-term data preservation.

Furthermore, the concept of publication promotes speedy publications, for every volume of the JHP will go online upon reaching a certain length. Hence, an increasing number of papers will speed up the schedule of publication which depends on the authors' initiatives and can be adapted in an optimal way.

In form and content the Journal is shaped entirely by the scientific community through its submitted contributions. Being an independent periodical JHP allows its authors the free choice of subjects. It explicitly endeavors to stimulate the presentation of new ideas and questions to be discussed by a panel of experts and invites both experienced and junior scholars.

In order to ensure a standard quality, each submitted contribution is subject to a review procedure and immediatly examined before it is accepted for final publication.