A Third Millennium Stone Plaque from Gird Maiwizha (Rania Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan)


  • Jesper Eidem
  • Costanza Coppini


Gird Maiwizha, stone plaques


The article presents a remarkable new find from a site on the west edge of the Rania Plain (Iraqi Kurdistan) in its iconographic, archaeological, and historical context.


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How to Cite

Eidem, J., & Coppini, C. (2020). A Third Millennium Stone Plaque from Gird Maiwizha (Rania Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan). Ash-Sharq: Bulletin of the Ancient Near East – Archaeological, Historical and Societal Studies, 4, 239–253. Retrieved from https://archaeopresspublishing.com/ojs/index.php/ash-sharq/article/view/706




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