The use of early photography for archaeological research: The 1929-1931 expedition to Meskeneh/Balis (Syria) in the photograph collection of the Biblioteca Berenson in Florence


  • Stefano Anastasio


Biblioteca Berenson, early photography, Balis


The Biblioteca Berenson in Florence owns three photographs of the excavations conducted in 1929-1931 by Georges Salles and Eustache de Lorey at Meskeneh, the ancient Balis, in Syria. Since the documentation of this expedition has never been published, the photographs are worthy of careful study as they depict details of the excavations, now flooded by the Euphrates. Furthermore, they serve as a cue to touch upon the topic of the use and publication of early photographs for archaeological research.


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How to Cite

Anastasio, S. (2023). The use of early photography for archaeological research: The 1929-1931 expedition to Meskeneh/Balis (Syria) in the photograph collection of the Biblioteca Berenson in Florence. Ash-Sharq: Bulletin of the Ancient Near East – Archaeological, Historical and Societal Studies, 7(1), 1–12. Retrieved from




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