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About the Journal
Ash-sharq is a journal devoted to short articles on the archaeology, history and society of the Ancient Near East. It is published twice a year. The principal language of the publication is English; there will be some provision for papers in the languages currently spoken in the Middle East (Arabic, Hebrew, Kurde, Persian, Turkish), accompanied by an English abstract of 500 words.
Current Issue
Sutton Hoo, St. Sergius and the Sasanians: Anglo-Saxon finds re-interpreted from an eastern perspective – St John Simpson
Têtes coupées : une primauté éblaïte ? Considérations et autres remarques sur la frise à incrustations d’Ebla – Rita Dolce
Quelques notes sur l’architecture mésopotamienne des IIe et Ier millénaires av. J.-C. : l’ensemble de réception des palais – Laura Battini
Unpublished examples of lead miniature vessels from Turkey – Ergün Laflı and Maurizio Buora