
  • Gabriel Andreica


Regarding Roman ceramic material in the capital of the Dacian kingdom, Sarmizegetusa Regia, there are many unknowns, in fact this material is barely mentioned in the specialized bibliography. Amphorae presence at Sarmizegetusa Regia was mentioned before but so far none has been published with the exception of three handles. Not just the production centers are diverse but also the content of amphorae, so we have specimens of wine but also others containing olive oil and fish-based products. About the main centers, so far unknown, of the specimens found at Sarmizegetusa, this study brings new information. On the one hand, new data regarding trade relations will be provided and also adding information about the presence of Roman military troops in the area. This study could provide more information and an additional indication of the Dacian kingdom’s trade relations with the Roman world during the conflict between Domitian (85-89 AD) and Trajan’s first war against Dacia (AD 101-102).


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How to Cite

Andreica, G. (2022). ROMAN AMPHORAE FROM SARMIZEGETUSA REGIA. Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta, 46, 374–379. Retrieved from