Un temprano abandono en los saladeros de Iulia Traducta (Baetica)

el contexto cerámico tardoantonino del Parque de las Acacias


  • Darío Bernal-Casasola
  • Rafael Jiménez-Camino Álvarez
  • José A. Retamosa-Gámez


Recent archaeological works conducted in 2015 at ancient Iulia Traducta (modern Algeciras, province of Cádiz in Andalusia, Spain), have unearthed new Roman fish salting plants active from the I to probably the V c. AD. One of the vats was abandoned in the third quarter of the II c. AD, probably as internal reforms inside one of the cetariae. A pottery context (250 individuals circa) has been studied in detail, including fine wares (mainly ARSW A, terra sigillata hispánica, thin walled pottery), common wares, lamps and amphorae (mainly local/regional garum vessels but also African, Italic, Galic and others). In this paper we present and discuss this so interesting and close pottery context, which offers a nice perspective of the economic dinamics in the Bay of Algeciras in Late-Antonine times.



How to Cite

Bernal-Casasola, D., Jiménez-Camino Álvarez, R., & Retamosa-Gámez, J. A. (2018). Un temprano abandono en los saladeros de Iulia Traducta (Baetica): el contexto cerámico tardoantonino del Parque de las Acacias. Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta, 45, 1–14. Retrieved from https://archaeopresspublishing.com/ojs/index.php/RCRF/article/view/1414