A new example of proto-hamzah in the early Islamic graffiti of Wādī al-Khirqah (poster)


  • Risa Tokunaga Arabic Islamic Institute in Tokyo / Kanazawa University


Early Islamic Arabic graffiti, Inscriptions, Arabic orthography, Hamzah, Saudi Arabia


It has long been considered that the authors of the earliest Islamic Arabic documents did not write hamzah, a sign for the glottal stop. For instance, the Qurʾān was compiled with an orthography representing the Hijazi dialect, which lacked hamzah. After the expansion of Islam to those speaking other Arabic dialects and to non-Arabs, hamzah was added to some Qurʾān manuscripts as coloured dots, but a universal rule did not exist. Hamzah only came to be written consistently after the new scripts, such as Thulth, gained popularity on paper in the eleventh century.

However, during the last decade a new group of hamzah, referred to as ‘proto-hamzah’, was discovered in early Islamic inscriptions and graffiti. At present, twelve examples of hamzah that belong to this group are known. This paper introduces a new example of proto-hamzah in Wādī al-Khirqah, Saudi Arabia, which differs in appearance from any existing example. By analysing the new material, as well as the existing proto-hamzah, in its historical and geographical contexts, the position of proto-hamzah in the development of Arabic orthography will be reconsidered.


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How to Cite

Tokunaga, R. (2022). A new example of proto-hamzah in the early Islamic graffiti of Wādī al-Khirqah (poster). Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 51, 403–412. Retrieved from https://archaeopresspublishing.com/ojs/index.php/PSAS/article/view/635

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