Ceramic exchange in the northern UAE during the Late Bronze Age: preliminary results of macroscopic and petrographic analyses


  • Maria Paola Pellegrino Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, University of Bologna, CEFAS, UMR 7041 — APOHR, Maison de l’Archéologie et de l’Ethnologie, 21, allée de l’Université, F-92023 Nanterre Cedex, France
  • Sophie Méry
  • Anne Benoist
  • Sophie Costa
  • Julien Charbonnier


Pottery, Late Bronze Age, south-east Arabia, petrographic analyses, exchanges


In the case of Late Bronze Age pottery archaeometry is still rare in south-east Arabia. This article presents the results of a study undertaken on pottery assemblages from three Late Bronze Age sites located in the northern United Arab Emirates: Masafi-5, Kalba 4, and Shimal SX. Macroscopic and technological observations of a large set of potsherds were combined with a petrographic analysis of twenty-eight thin sections. Beyond providing a characterization of four petrographic groups, the study demonstrates a close trading connection between the east coast (Kalba 4), the internal region (Masafi-5), and the west coast (Shimal SX) and reveals the regional mobility of people during the Late Bronze Age and early Iron Age.



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How to Cite

Pellegrino, M. P., Méry, S., Benoist, A., Costa, S., & Charbonnier, J. (2020). Ceramic exchange in the northern UAE during the Late Bronze Age: preliminary results of macroscopic and petrographic analyses. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 50(1), 259–273. Retrieved from https://archaeopresspublishing.com/ojs/index.php/PSAS/article/view/304

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