The Ayios Vasileios Survey Project (Laconia, Greece): questions, aims and methods


  • Sofia Voutsaki
  • Corien Wiersma
  • Wieke de Neef
  • Adamantia Vasilogamvrou



This article presents the research design, i.e. the main aims, questions and methods of the Ayios Vasileios Survey Project. This ongoing project combines field walking, geophysical prospection and ethnographic interviews in order to place more firmly the Mycenaean Palatial Complex of Ayios Vasileios (Laconia, Greece) in its physical, regional and historical context.


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Whitelaw, T.M, M. Bredaki, and A. Vasilakis 2008. The Knossos Urban Landscape Project: investigating the long-term dynamics of an urban landscape. Archaeology International 10: 28–31.

Whitelaw, T.M, M. Bredaki, and A. Vasilakis 2019, in C. Mitsotaki, L. Tzedaki-Apostolaki and S. Giannadaki (eds) Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Cretan Studies. Herakleion: Society of Cretan Historical Studies.



How to Cite

Voutsaki, S., Wiersma, C., de Neef, W., & Vasilogamvrou, A. (2019). The Ayios Vasileios Survey Project (Laconia, Greece): questions, aims and methods. Journal of Greek Archaeology, 4, 67–95.



Prehistory and Protohistory