Constantinos Paschalidis (with contributions by Photini J. P. McGeorge and Wiesław Więckowski). The Mycenaean Cemetery at Achaia Clauss near Patras. pp. xxiii+510, 918 ills (238 photos & plans of tombs, mostly b/w; 679 col. ills, 96 accompanied by b/w dra
This is the second publication of tombs from a large Mycenaean cemetery in Achaea to appear in two years; the other, being concerned with tombs at Ayios Vasileios, Chalandritsa (hereafter Chalandritsa) was reviewed in JGA 3 (2018), 449-451 (Aktypi 2017). The two sites both belong to a constellation of sites to the east and south-east of Patras, but there are noteworthy differences between the two. The Chalandritsa tombs were mainly excavated in rescue work carried out by members of the Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Achaea at various times between 1989 and 2001; the cemetery contained at least 45 tombs, but only about a dozen produced much useful information, and only two of these were excavated more or less intact. The volume reviewed here publishes the results of research excavations in the Clauss cemetery, carried out for the Archaeological Society between 1988 and 1992 by Prof. A. Papadopoulos of Ioannina University.
Aktypi, K. 2017. The Mycenaean cemetery at Ayios Vasileios, Chalandritsa, in Achaea. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Åström, P. 1977. The Cuirass Tomb and other finds at Dendra Part 1. The Chamber Tombs. Göteborg: Paul Åströms Förlag.
Blegen, C.W., M. Rawson, Lord W. Taylour, and W.P. Donovan 1973. The Palace of Nestor at Pylos Vol. III. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Cavanagh, W. and C. Mee, 1998. A Private Place: Death in Prehistoric Greece. Jönsered: Paul Åströms Förlag.
Deger-Jalkotzy, S. 2006. Late Mycenaean warrior tombs. In S. Deger-Jalkotzy and I. Lemos (eds) Ancient Greece. From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer, 151–179. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Furumark, A. 1941. The Mycenaean Pottery: Analysis and Classification. Skrifta utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen XX:1 (reprinted 1972 as Mycenaean Pottery I. Analysis and Classification), Stockholm: Swedish Institute in Athens.
Iakovidis, S. 1969-70. Περάτη: τo vεκρoταφείov, Athens: Library of the Archaeological Society in Athens no. 67.
Moschos, I. 2009. Evidence of social re-organization and reconstruction in Late Helladic IIIC Achaea and modes of contacts and exchange via the Ionian and Adriatic seas. In E. Borgna and P. Cassola Guida (eds) From the Aegean to the Adriatic: Social Organizations, Modes of Exchange and Interactions in Postpalatial Times (12th-11th B.C.): 345–414. Rome: Quasar.
Mountjoy, P.A. 1999. Regional Mycenaean Decorated Pottery. Rahden: Verlag Marie Lehdorf.
Papazoglou-Manioudaki, L. and C. Paschalidis 2017. A society of merchants and warriors to the east of the West. The case of the Mycenaean settlement on Mygdalia hill, near Patras, in Achaea. In M. Fotiadis, R. Laffineur, Y. Lolosand A. Vlachopoulos (eds) Hesperos. The Aegean Seen from the West. Proceedings of the 16th International Aegean Conference, University of Ioannina,Department of History and Archaeology, Unit of Archaeology and Art History, 18-21 May 2016 (Aegaeum 41): 453–461. Leuven/Liège: Peeters.
Paschalidis, C. and Ph.J.P. McGeorge 2009. Life and death in the periphery of the Mycenaean world at the end of the Late Bronze Age: the case of the Achaea Klauss cemetery. In E. Borgna and P. Cassola Guida (eds) , From the Aegean to the Adriatic: Social Organizations, Modes of Exchange and Interactions in Postpalatial Times (12th-11th B.C.): 79–113. Rome: Quasar.
Smith, R.A.K., M.K. Dabney, E. Pappi, S. Triantaphyllou, and J.C. Wright 2017. Ayia Sotira. A Mycenaean Chamber Tomb Cemetery in the Nemea Valley, Greece. Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press.