Minoan eruption chronology: a synthesis for the non-initiated
The volcanic eruption of Santorini/Thera Island, which occurred in the 2nd millennium BC or the Late Bronze Age (LBA), is one of the biggest catastrophic events recorded in world archaeology. Moreover, it marks a key-moment for Aegean and eastern Mediterranean chronology as it happened at the very height of the Minoan Neopalatial civilisation, a society with interconnections all over the eastern Mediterranean from Egypt to the Levantine coast, Cyprus and Anatolia. Notwithstanding its importance, the absolute (calendric) date of this event is still unsettled and forms the object of a debate which has been ongoing over the last five decades. The issue at stake is particularly difficult to assess, as it involves an extremely high degree of multidisciplinarity, including in-depth studies in disciplines that include Mediterranean (and Global) Archaeology, Egyptian Epigraphy, a wide range of Environmental Sciences, Physics and Mathematics/Statistics. Given this extreme complexity, obtaining a comprehensive view of the problem is not an easy matter, in particular for those archaeologists who have little background in the issues of isotopic dating, on the one hand, and for natural scientists that have partial command of the problems and intricacies of the specific archaeological sources, on the other. The aim of the present paper is to provide a synthetic view and a summary of the recent state of the art of the debate, and to provide a possible key to the subject for non-specialists, with a particular focus on the middle 16th century BC hypothesis for the eruption.
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