Crossed presents. Iron Age as a driving force in the construction of the current Basque political reality.
Iron Age, Basque Country, Symmetrical Archaeology, Crossed PresentsAbstract
Our present is the ultimate result of the interconnection of different presents. Presents that combine characteristics of different historical periods to create a social reality experienced by Basque people. In the Basque Country, the past is not only interconnected with the present realm, but they also coexist on a daily basis, to form a legal, fiscal, social and economic reality that discursively goes back to the Late Iron, and its Age. The present paper aims to offer a different insight into how modern Basque identity has been constructed upon archaeological and historical basis. It is crucial to analyse what sort of archaeological data sustains such identity and narratives.
Bearing these pre-Roman natives in mind, one might think that the material reality available in the Basque Country from the Iron Age is rich, abundant and capable of articulating a discourse that still maintains an influence today. This deduction could not be more wrong since, we hardly have enough data to characterise the settlement pattern of this chronology for the Basque case, and more specifically for its Atlantic side where the province of Gipuzkoa is located. In other words, even with a limited material background, unevenly distributed throughout the territory, the Iron Age is part of many current discourses about Basque identity.
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