About the Journal

Antiguo Oriente (abbreviated as AntOr) is the annual, blind peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published by the Center of Studies of Ancient Near Eastern History (CEHAO). The journal publishes manuscripts related to the history of societies of the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Paleolithic to the Early Islamic Period. Antiguo Oriente publishes articles and book reviews in Spanish, English and French.

Peer Review Process

All submitted articles undergo evaluation by two external blind peer reviewers, who assess the manuscripts' academic originality, quality, offer comments on the contribution, and provide recommendations to the editor. The acceptance of a work is understood to be conditional until the necessary revisions have been made and the editor deems the work ready for publication. The typical review period is 60 days. The Editorial Board of Antiguo Oriente assists the Editor-in-Chief and the Assistant Editor throughout the peer-review process, offering guidance on reviewer selection, acceptance decisions, and manuscript revisions, among others.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Antiguo Oriente upholds a strict policy of intolerance toward any form of plagiarism. All manuscripts submitted to the journal are rigorously reviewed to ensure they are original works, free from unauthorized or copied content. If plagiarism is detected, the article will be immediately rejected. When papers derive from a granted project/research, authors should state the source of funding.


The journal is indexed and/or ranked in AWOL - The Ancient World Online; Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), Bielefeld University; Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne (BiBIL), Université de Lausanne; Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas (CIRC), Universidad de Granada; CLASE, Universidad Autónoma de México; DIALNET, Universidad de La Rioja; Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Web of Science (WOS), Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics; ETANA - Electronic Tools and Ancient Near East Archives; Fuente Académica Premier, EBSCO; European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Norwegian Centre for Research Data; Index Copernicus International (ICI World of Journals); LATINDEX (catálogo); LatinREV, FLACSO Argentina; Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas (MIAR); Old Testament Abstracts (OTA), Atla - Catholic Biblical Association; Online Egyptological Bibliography (OEB), Griffith Institute, University of Oxford; RAMBI, Jewish National and University Library; SCImago Journal & Country Rank, Elsevier; Scopus, Elsevier; The Serials Directory, EBSCO; Ulrich’s; Núcleo Básico de Publicaciones Periódicas Científicas y Tecnológicas Argentinas, CONICET.

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Current Issue

Vol. 21 (2023)
					View Vol. 21 (2023)
Published: 08/01/2024
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